Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

10 Key Ways Finding Your Identity as a Human

The rush of modern life, which is moving fast-paced, often makes us forget ourselves and lose control. There are many ways that can be done to bring us back to the true self. These 10 forces that can lead us back to ourselves and find a peace.

1. Attend
Live for the moment. The past has passed. You can never go back and redo those times again, else you will not be able to revive what was in the past.

Life is what you're living now, no matter what has happened. It was all real and perfect. Do not look back or think too much about what will happen in the future. Our mind is always creating conversations that develop a sense of fear and make us try to save ourselves. Tell your mind busy talking it: 'Thank you for willing to share' and make sure 'I'm here, I'm there for you. "Every day, we all must always make a choice and you are the most know how to make the day that you live so beautiful .

2. United with nature
Sit on the grass or under a tree. Feel the rotation of the earth, the majestic sky highway, the cold air hit your face, or the warmth of the morning sun. Smile at the vast sky, say hello to the flying bees and all the animals you come across. Take a walk in the park or climbing hills. The closeness to nature can bring awareness of how you are part of a vast universe is.

3. Exercised
Exercising regularly gives pause in your mind that kept raging, helps accelerate blood circulation, cleanse toxins from the body, and give you energy as well as many other advantages. Choose activities that give you pleasure and make a mix. Make a healthy walk in one day and the next day Yoga exercises. Follow erobic exercise and meet people. An extensive list of activities to choose from.

4. Spiritual
Recognize and realize you are an important and unique. Meditate, or sit quietly in silence, and enjoy the moment. Read religious books or your personality that brings a positive message and make you feel strong. Do not forget to be grateful for the health you have, the house, the people who love and your loved ones, your friends who surround you, and the happiness and joy that surround your life.

5. Forgive
It's time to let go. Forgive all parts of yourself, for all the flaws and imperfections. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you've made in the past, forgive your childhood fears, emotions and anger forgive your adolescence, early adulthood sorry you are not willing to take the risk. Forgive the mistakes of your parents, siblings, relatives and people in the past. Remove all off steam. Forgiveness brings peace to the soul.

6. Have a good time
Give yourself the opportunity to relax and pamper yourself. Read a fun book. Remove one-time money to buy the things you want most. Do a pleasure just for yourself.

7. Nutrition
Listen to your body's needs. Fulfill your body needs nutritious food. Consumption of vitamins that are beneficial to the body. With a healthy and fit body keeps you appreciate life.

8. Discard Rate
Stop judging and blaming. Do not throw criticism at others or yourself. Speak words of encouragement to yourself and everyone you meet. Accept others as they are, complete with all the differences that they have.

9. Assist Others
Contact and reached out to friends in need. Offer to help others unconditionally. Be a good listener and really listen to what others have to say. Find ways to help others lift the burden of life by listening to their complaints.

10. Love
Love yourself and use positive words of encouragement. Praise others with sincerity and make them smile. Speak with love and sincerity from the heart.
The ten key strengths mentioned above is not a difficult thing to do to anyone. Keep your pace while your fast-paced life, and take time to do ten things. Undoubtedly you will discover the beauty of life and the completeness of your true self.

by : Isna Indriasari

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